GD00A: Giant Ear - Inside/Out NYC

Since May 2005, the New York Society for Acoustic Ecology (NYSAE) has presented Giant Ear))) each Sunday on free103point9 Online Radio, webcasting field recordings, interviews, and compositions by sound artists. “Inside/Out NYC” presents New York City sound works culled from approximately two years of Giant Ear))) shows. A compilation work that includes Andrea Callard, Geoff Dugan, Jonny Farrow, Marc Foxman, Edmund Mooney, Michelle Nagai, Ben Owen, David Watson and Andrea Williams.
Order directly from: free103point9, the Dispatch Series
Where you can purchase individual Audio Dispatches, or subscribe for a season (ten releases). free103point9 Dispatches take the form of CDs, LPs, CSs, Catalogues, and Artists’ Multiples.